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Conditions of a fixation

What will I fix? Where will the fixation be? What loads must the fixture bear?

  • July 15, 2020
Conditions of a fixation

Choosing the best fixation should be thought of in order to answer simple questions, such as: What will I fix? Where will the fixation be? What loads must the fixture bear? What kind are these loads? In what direction/or directions? In which environment will the fixation be carried out? What are the geometric conditions of the fixation, or the support?

It is necessary to understand that we cannot read each answer separately, but rather understand the set of all the surroundings. Both in project and on-site, generally, the correct analysis is not carried out, because the reading of the resistances declared in the catalog, or certifications, is calculated taking into account the optimal situations of application of the fastening materials. Thus, it is important to understand the real resistance of our solution, taking into account all the surroundings. On-board restrictions associated with approaches between anchorages are generally the greatest risk in this matter, often due to lack of knowledge of anchorage theory. It is common to observe errors in the choice of the solution that may, in the short/medium term, put into question a correct fixation.

Tecofix, S.A.'s technical department has the necessary expertise to support its customers in these answers, or provide all the tools that allow them to do so, from documentation, training, calculation software, technical advice or sharing of experiences.

For more information or request a technical opinion, send an email to joselito.pereira@tecofix.pt or submit the form on our website.

Author: Eng.º Joselito Pereira