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Have you already met the innovative Spit Trineo anchor?

Launching the Trineo Bimaterial Expansion Anchor

  • July 12, 2023

Recently, Spit launched Trineo, the first bimaterial anchor on the market with diameters of 6, 8 and 10 mm, which can be applied to any base material, hollow or solid, with loads similar to a chemical fastening.

Composed of metal and polymer expansion fins that provides the highest performance and grip without damaging the base material, and a wide tab washer, which makes it ideal for fixing cable trays.

Launching the Trineo Bimaterial Expansion Anchor

It has ETA certification for concrete (cracked and uncracked) and masonry. It comes in standard and through versions (Trineo B), the second one is inserted directly into the supporting material, without removing the screw, which makes the process easier and increases its performance.

If you want to know more technical information about Trineo or other type of Spit fixings, you can contact our technical department through the respective form, or, if you prefer, send an email with your request to apoio.cliente@tecofix.pt.

Author: Dep. Marketing Tecofix