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192 Panel Photovoltaic Self-Consumption System

Design of a support structure for a photovoltaic self-consumption system.

  • January 15, 2021
192 Panel Photovoltaic Self-Consumption System

We would like to thank the confidence shown by our customer Electrodaniel, Lda., for consulting the Technical Department of Tecofix, and for the possibility of designing the support structure for the 192-panel photovoltaic self-consumption system.

Tecofix is ​​prepared to support its customers, designing, quantifying and supplying the necessary materials for this type of work, with the quality that we are renowned for! Tecofix's Technical Department will always be able to advise you.

For more information or to request a technical opinion, send an email to joselito.pereira@tecofix.pt or submit the form on our website.

Author: Dep. Marketing Tecofix