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Dimensioning of connections for metal stairs

Case Study: Dimensioning of connections for metal stairs

  • February 11, 2022

The technical department was contacted to carry out the dimensioning of stairs connections in metallic structure. We were provided with a pre-study and design of the 3D structure, in order to understand the efforts involved in these connections.

Using the I-Expert calculation software, the solutions for the connections to be executed were simulated and optimized. The biggest problems to be solved were related to shear forces, due to the existing geometric restrictions.

In this way, it would be imperative to select a sealing solution that would reduce the stresses in the support, and that would reduce the possibility of breakage when cut. Therefore, we chose to apply SPIT VIPER XTREM epoxy acrylate resin, which has the most demanding certifications in terms of top epoxy resins.

Detail 1:

Tecofix | Case study: Dimensioning of connections for metal stairs

Detail 2:

Tecofix | Case study: Dimensioning of connections for metal stairs

The connection of detail 2, presented a problem in the way of breaking by the edge, when cutting, we suggest the introduction of a common plate to the 2 connections of the floor, with the introduction of 5 anchors, arranged in staggered.

You can access the calculation software here.